Guide to Affordable Housing in NJ
“This is a directory of Affordable housing developments in New Jersey. It does not include all affordable units, only those built under certain federal or State initiatives. The apartments and houses in this Guide are listed in alphabetical order by county.“
New Jersey Housing Resource Center
Find affordable housing and locate consumer information.
Homelessness Prevention Program (HPP)
Provides limited financial assistance to low- and moderate-income tenants and homeowners in imminent danger of eviction or foreclosure due to temporary financial problems beyond their control. Funds are used to disburse payments in the forms of loans and grants to landlords and mortgage companies on behalf of eligible households in danger of homelessness.
Legal Services of New Jersey
Electronic version of the Legal Services of New Jersey's You and the Law in New Jersey. Sections on crime, debt, disability, employment, government aid, housing, and other frequently requested topics. In English and Spanish.
State of New Jersey Rental Assistance Program
"Income Limits: Seventy-five percent of the participants admitted to the program must be extremely low-income families (30 percent of area median income as defined by region and household size), in accordance with the income guidelines published annually by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The remaining applicants shall not exceed 40 percent of low-income limits (by county) as defined in accordance with the HUD guidelines."
New Jersey Tenants Organization
"Our continuing goal is to expand our rights and gain better enforcement of the pro-tenant laws we have already won": mission, activities, and links.
Financial Counseling Organizations
A list of governmental and non-profit entities that may provide financial assistance or counseling to borrowers in foreclosure.
Hope Hotline
“If your lender cannot help you, contact the Homeownership Preservation Foundation at 1-888-995-HOPE, a 24 hour a day, 7 day a week toll-free hotline with trained counselors to help homeowners avoid foreclosure. When you talk to a counselor you won’t be judged and you won’t pay a dime for the advice or assistance.” Also offers an online counseling session.
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Home mortgage counseling from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Making Home Affordable
"Please use the self-assessment tools provided on this website to see if you are among the 7 to 9 million homeowners who may be able to benefit from Making Home Affordable."
Resources for Consumers
A directory of information and links to agencies and organizations that may be able to help you if you are facing foreclosure. From the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.