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Having problems using our resources? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions guide.


· What is a database?

· Why should I use a database?  

· Can I use these databases from home?  

· Do I need a library card to access these databases outside the library?  

· Why are some databases unable to be accessed from home?  

· Why do I occasionally have problems obtaining access to certain databases?  

· How do I know which database has a particular newspaper or magazine?  

· Why are some articles unavailable in full-text?  

· Why are some pictures, images and graphics unavailable?  

· Can I email or save my search results?  

· My teacher says I cannot use the internet for this paper; can I still use these databases?  

· How do I cite sources?  

· Where can I go for further assistance? 



What is a database?  (back to top)
A database is an electronic resource that allows you to locate and access information from books, magazines, newspapers, encyclopedias and scholarly journals online. A database's coverage can be multidisciplinary, such as Academic Search Premier, or related to a specific subject matter, like Auto Repair Reference Center. A database may contain a copy of an entire article (full-text), a brief summary (abstract) or its citation. The Ocean City Library subscribes to over fifty online databases, most of which can be accessed in the building or remotely from any computer with internet access.

Why should I use a database?  (back to top)
The Ocean City Library budgets a specific amount of money to be spent on electronic database subscriptions so that our patrons may have access to infinitely more information than we could possibly purchase in print. Databases allow you to view reliable information that has been reviewed and edited by knowledgeable sources, and which is not readily available on the World Wide Web via a search engine. While there is a lot of wonderful information on the internet, there are also pages that are misleading, biased, inaccurate, or out of date. The Ocean City Library strives to select high quality, authoritative databases that can be used to meet a myriad of informational needs. Some are geared towards specific subjects, others towards certain age groups; all are meant to inform, entertain and assist you as you explore the world online.

Can I use these databases from home?  (back to top)
All of our databases, with the exception of Accessible Archives, Ancestry Library Edition, Value Line and Westlaw, may be accessed from any computer with internet access. 

Do I need a library card to access these databases outside the library? (back to top)
These databases are meant to be utilized by all Ocean City Library card holders. All you need is a library card. You must type the nine digit barcode on the back of your library card to access these databases from home. Where necessary, other specific login instructions are detailed in the descriptions of each database.

Why are some databases unable to be accessed from home?  (back to top)
Due to contractual agreements, certain databases are only accessible through the library staff or within the Library building. The Ocean City Library does its best to select databases that will be both conveniently available and informative; unfortunately these ideals are not always possible to implement, and access to certain databases will require you to be at specific locations. 

Why do I occasionally have problems obtaining access to certain databases?  (back to top)
Due to contractual agreements, only a specific number of users may simultaneously access certain databases.. We recommend waiting several moments before attempting to log back in. If this problem persists, please contact us. 

How do I know which database has a particular newspaper or magazine?  (back to top)
Many of our databases include a Title List or Browse Publications / Publications Search option that will enable you to view which publications are available within that particular resource. However, as of this moment, we lack a comprehensive list of each publication that is accessible through our electronic resources. If you would like assistance searching for a specific publication, please contact us.

Why are some articles unavailable in full-text?  (back to top)
It is left up to the publishers’ discretion which publications are printed in full-text and which are not.

Why are some pictures, images and graphics unavailable?  (back to top)
Publishers also decide which publications will include reprint images, graphics and photographs.

Can I email or save my search results?  (back to top)
Many databases enable you to save, print and email individual articles or citations that you have selected. We recommend reading the Help or About section whenever you are in doubt regarding a particular database’s features.

My teacher says I cannot use the internet for this paper; can I still use these databases?  (back to top)
You should always get clarification from your instructor regarding the use of electronic resources; those that are from an electronic database are generally taken directly from a print resource of some kind and therefore may be perfect for your assignment. Use your best judgment and be sure to check with your teacher.

How do I cite sources?  (back to top)
For further information regarding how to cite sources, including those found online, according to various formats (APA, MLA and Chicago-Turabian), please click here or check out our citation guide.

Where can I go for further assistance?  (back to top)
For further assistance, please call the reference desk at 609-399-2434 extension 5231 or contact us via email at   

Source for questions: