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Do it Yourself - Home Improvement: Home

Why hire someone to fix something when you can do it yourself?! Find out how with this helpful guide. (Source:

Non Fiction Browsing Areas

640 Home & family management
643 Housing & household equipment
644 Household utilities
683 Hardware & household appliances
684 Furnishings & home workshops
690 Buildings
691 Building materials
692 Auxiliary construction practices
693 Specific materials & purposes
694 Wood construction & carpentry
695 Roof covering
696 Utilities
697 Heating, ventilating & air-conditioning

Informational DVDs

Web Resources

American Society of Home Inspectors
Locate a home inspector in your area, view the Virtual Home Inspection Tour, and find consumer protection information.
"An online neighborhood where women of all ages and do-it-herself skill levels could find the inspiration, information and encouragement to change their homes." Visitors will find discussion forums, a tool corner, videos, lifestyle topics, room by room projects, and much more.
Step-by-step videos, how-to articles, remodeling tools, and home plans.

DIY Network
Tips, project show and tell videos, popular projects, and a "Cool Tools" section.

Do It Yourself Home Repair
Community forums, questions and answers, product information and reviews, and lots of how-to information.

"GreenHomeGuide is a trusted, community-based resource whose combination of tips, case studies, expert Q&A articles and regional directories of products and services has helped millions of homeowners create homes that make them feel good."
Decorating tips, questions and answers, links to other useful sites, and step-by-step illustrated projects.

Handyman USA
How to select a paint roller, how to remove wall paper, what to do if you have a wet basement, how to patch a hole in drywall, and many other handy articles.

Beginner's guides to gardening, decorating, designing and reviving kitchens, remodeling bathrooms, organizing, etc.
"Whether you are a do-it-yourselfer or are planning to hire someone to work on your home, HomeDoctor offers a collection of helpful home remodeling projects and repair tips."

Hometime on PBS
Glossaries (garden, electrical, plumbing, framing, and real-estate related), articles, and information about past shows.
Project information, including electrical, plumbing, roofing, framing, flooring, landscaping, painting, contracting, ceramic tile, decks, and garages.

Home Tips
Helpful features include buying guides and articles.

This Old House
How-to videos, home improvement articles, photo galleries, and more. Home calculators are provided to assist you with your projects; for instance, discover what type of air conditioning unit would sufficiently cool a particular room based on area, wall exposure, and insulation.

Electronic Resources

MasterFile Premier
Access from Home - Use library barcode
Provides full text for nearly 1,840 periodicals covering nearly all subjects including Consumer Reports, This Old House and more!

Print Resources
